Country Notebook by Rogene "Jeanne" McPherson
Parade watching is not in my DNA. Someone would have had to pay me to go to the Chiefs parade. I would have wanted a folding chair and there would be the risk of someone throwing it onto the pavement.
I am a Chiefs fan up to a point. I watched every game except for one. I thought it was an evening game and I prepared myself all day to sit and watch a great game on TV. At least they won, saving me the anxiety of a close game. I was, however, very disappointed as the games are a highlight of my Sunday – following church, of course.
My brother asked me if I was going to buy a Chiefs Super Bowl t-shirt. I think he was rather disappointed that a fan like myself would not travel to the city to again stand in line to buy some of the coveted items. I said I might check out Walmart, but not to be surprised by my lack of rah-rah.

I am not taking away from the Chiefs outstanding season. Only the accountants of the metropolitan cities can likely estimate the economic impact this season made on the Kansas City area. It’s also not just about economics, but also about the pride in our city, the positive publicity and the pleasing role model players like Patrick Mahomes and Harrison Butker have become for boys and girls who witness honor, bravery, and stamina.
I love the stories about Derrick Nnadi. defensive tackle for the Chiefs. Following both Super Bowl wins, Nnadi paid the adoption fee and other items needed for adoption like food and treats for more than 250 dogs housed at the KC Pet Project. I am not really sure how his name is pronounced but I hear it as Nnadi’s (Naughty) Dogs. For a pro-football player, that likely won’t make a dent in his budget, but more importantly it tells me how he values the lives of God’s creatures. I am dog-lover and his generosity to this cause is admirable.
I am writing this on President’s Day and though there was not a parade, at least to my knowledge, I am honoring and remembering the two Presidents who made it a national holiday, Lincoln and Washington. From a historical point of view, these individuals are also significant role models for our youth.
I remember Washington for his childhood honesty. Whether the cherry tree story is true or not, it still reminds us of his sincerity and honesty. When asked who cut down the cherry tree, he responded with, “I can’t tell a lie.” Wouldn’t that be a change?
If you haven’t heard the story of Washington’s white and green flag, known as an “Appeal to Heaven,” do a Google search to read how this flag is a symbol of independence and resistance. His words and honor were an appeal to fight and prevail against tyranny. If interested, google "Appeal to Heaven" as the flags are available for purchase. Maybe I should fly mine in a parade or at my front gate.
And I weep for the story of Abraham Lincoln. Recently, I read Bill O’Reilly’s book titled, Killing Lincoln. Funny thing, he must have liked parades and being with the people. After the war he rode in a parade without significant protection. Though at a theater, the assassination of Lincoln was done primarily by one man who could not move beyond his hatred of Lincoln’s stance on freedom. And the irony, in my opinion, is that Booth was not economically impacted as many in the South were, but instead by pride. Lincoln was brave, faithful to the cause of America and forward thinking. One man’s hatred changed America and we will never know what could have been.
A parade illustrates a life story, like those mentioned previously. I began by using it as a noun in that someone is sharing their skill by marching or riding in a float. But any one of us can use the word parade as a verb by taking action or being present in the moment.
My thought for this story belongs to Mother Teresa. “We can do no great things. Only small things with great Love.” Now that’s a parade I can enjoy.