Prairie View senior Hanna Day, center, and her classmates wait for commencement to begin after their entry into the gym.
Photos by Susan Barrett, Special to the Journal
Fifty-two Prairie View High School seniors transitioned into graduates on Sunday, May 21, during a commencement ceremony at the school’s gym with bleachers filled with parents, siblings, relatives and friends watching them achieve that milestone.
Following the PVHS band playing the processional that included the “Celebration March” and “Pomp & Circumstance,” Principal Joseph Hornback welcomed the attendees. Members of the choir sang the "Star Spangled Banner" accompanied by the band.
Senior Stefanie Koperski sings the National Anthem early in the program.
The choir then performed “Be a Light,” followed by a welcoming message by Rex Bollinger, Prairie View district superintendent.
Hornback gave class recognitions before acknowledging seniors Emma Chambers and Jade Chambers, who were given the two citizenship awards presented to the class.
Emma Chambers and Jade Chambers hold their citizenship awards after they were awarded by Principal Joseph Hornback, left.
Co-valedictorians Jenna Thompson and Meadow Stainbrook addressed their fellow classmates followed by brief speeches by co-salutatorians Aryanna Kirkpatrick and Samantha Watson.
Co-valedictorians Meadow Stainbrook, above, and Jenna Thompson, below, deliver their addresses to fellow seniors and a gym full of relatives and friends.
Abby Kirkpatrick, above, and Samantha Watson, below, were named co-salutatorians for the class of 2023.
Dayton Kline, right, and his classmates hold bouquets that they will pass out to family members and mentors before diplomas are handed out.
Members of the USD 362 Board of Education then handed out diplomas as the seniors walked across the stage. Board members involved in the ceremony included Russell Pope, Brian Uphoff, and Brian Lueker.
After receiving her diploma, Shannon Brownback shakes the hand of school board member Russell Pope.
With diplomas in hand, and after being presented by Hornback as graduates of the class of 2023, McKinsley Beattie and Jeremiah Basnett move their tassles to the their left to signify they are now Prairie View alumni.
More photos from the ceremony are below. To download a full-size photo, click on the thumbnail picture to enlarge.