Prairie View Middle School and high school vocalists presented their Spring Choral Program on Tuesday, March 11, at the district’s Performing Arts Center under the direction of vocal music teacher James Beltz.
The middle school choir opened the program by performing “Cantata Hodie!" (Sing Today!), “River, Sing Your Song” and “Elijah Rock.”

The five members of the eighth-grade choir then performed ”Alleluia” and the classic “Cripple Creek.”
Beltz opened the high school program by announcing that two of the choir’s baritones, seniors, Jacob Law and Colten McCrea, have been awarded scholarships to sing at Pittsburg State University next year.

He also noted that the high school choir would be performing at the Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA) large group festival on April 9. He noted that two of the songs that the choir would be performing were pieces that were being prepared for the competition.

Beltz said that “Rockin’ Jerusalem” with its spiritual overtones was considered a highly difficult piece, a level 4 difficulty where the competition allowed level 2 difficulty and above. The PVHS choir did the rockin’ as they performed.
“Remember” (from Two Rosetti Songs), a somber farewell that gave the choir opportunity to flex its harmonic chops, was the other piece that will be performed at the competition.

Sixth- and seventh-grade choir members include:
Sopranos – Kinlee Case, Jordan Christian, LaRee Parsons, Trinity Post, Gentry Stevens, Adyson Womack, Felicity Vitt, and Haidyn Williams.
Altos – Madison Johnson, Cloey Jones, Nevaeh Martin, Savannah Martinez, Adelynn Perttunen, Nevaeh Cobey, Zoe Cobey, Haven Edgman, June Ratcliff, Mari-Lynn Snider and Theron Wells.
Baritones – Faul Donaldson, Andrew Eastwood, Cade Jones and James Schroff Jr.
Eighth-grade choir members include:
Sopranos – Mallory Cline and Cali Hurt
Altos – Hunter Cooper, Kinlee Rhynerson and Miranda Taylor
High school choir members include:
Sopranos – Abigail Bowman, Cecilia Brockway, Miranda Covell, Violet Long, Faith Campbell, Natalee Ferguson, Oriana Frymire, and Linda Long.
Altos – Aurora Burton, Cheyanne Moss, Elizabeth Godfrey, Lily Michelle, Ninetta Johnson, Sophia Miller, Bethany Nodwell, and Isabella Powers
Tenors – Cash Lintner and Thomas Short
Baritones – Jacob Law and Colten McCrea
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