Journal staff report
PLEASANON – The Pleasanton USD 344 Board of Education approved updates to the Pleasanton High School student and parent handbook and the school's athletic handbook at its meeting on Monday, Nov. 11.
The update in the student and parent handbook included guidelines for early graduation for seniors. In a related matter, the board approved early graduation for one student.

In the athletic handbook, the board adopted technical foul consequences for basketball players that included a progression of punishment with each infraction. The new rules go into effect this season.
According to the new rules, the player will sit out for two quarters of the next competition for the first technical. The second technical calls for the player to sit a full game of the next competition, and the third technical will result in a meeting with coaches, administrators, parents and player to discuss long-term disciplinary action.
"If coaches and (administrators) deem that any technical or intentional foul is "unwarranted," they have the discretion to exempt it from the policy," the addition to the handbook reads. "A flagrant foul would not be eligible for policy exemption.
"Any ejected player is reported to (Kansas State High School Activities Association), the school will follow KSHSAA policy and will also be reviewed by coaches and administration. Ejected players are subject to additional school disciplinary action based on the recommendation of the coach and administration."
In other business, the board:
• Recognized Pleasanton Elementary for exemplary Kansas Assessment Math Achievement.
• Appointed Meredith Johnson and Jess Myrick to represent the board on the District Strategic Planning Team.
• Approved the date of the district Christmas dinner for Wednesday, Dec. 11, from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
• Approved purchase of a Ford Fusion to replace a car that was earlier taken out of commission due to a deer collision. The Fusion is pre owned and was primarily purchased with funds from insurance in replacement of the totaled vehicle it is replacing.
• Hired Shawna Emery as junior high girls assistant basketball coach.