This float by Faith Chapel youth group was one of the judges' favorites in the Pleasanton Christmas parade on Saturday, Dec. 14.
Story and photos by Roger Sims, rsims@linncountyjournal.com
Pleasanton area residents gathered on the evening of Saturday, Dec.14, to celebrate the Christmas holiday with two different kinds of parades, the lighting of the Mayor’s Christmas Tree, food, and a visit from Santa.

About a dozen fully decorated trees inside the south entrance of the Pleasanton Community Center were up for silent auction in a "parade" of trees.
The parade of lights rolled down Main Street about 6:30 p.m. led by a car from the Pleasanton Police Department followed by Linn County Sheriff’s Office vehicles, trucks from both city and rural fire departments and then numerous entries from banks, families and individuals.

Three-year-old Lux was cautious in his visit with Santa in the community center, reaching out to see if the St. Nick was real.
Santa arrived during the parade, perched atop the county’s ladder fire truck, waving at the crowd as the truck passed. After the Christmas train full of passengers, passed down the street, kids with moms, dads, grandmothers and granddads lined up with their children to see Santa in the Pleasanton Community Center.

This float, entitled "Everybody has a Story," had figures from different animated Christmas stories.
Each child was given a bag of treats after their conference with the Jolly Old Elf.
The second parade? It was a “parade” of about a dozen beautifully decorated Christmas trees that were being sold at silent auction inside the south entrance of the community center. Many of the trees were expected to do well in the fund-raising auction.

This well-lit pickup truck driven by Brandon Bautista was a favorite of the judges.

Pleasanton Mayor Mathew Young and his wife Robyn were grand marshals of the parade.
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Top row: the Christmas train is at capacity as it ends the parade, and parents and children crowd the community center waiting to see Santa.
Second row: Roberts Family Dental truck and side by side. The Roberts family helped organize the parade.
Third row: The Easley family float was pulled by a vintage Ford tractor, and the Stanleys' entered a lit golf cart.
Fourth row: STARS career school students had a couple of floats in the parade, and had a couple of "elves" pass out candy to the children along the route.
Fifth row: Brianna Laver with Labette Bank tosses candy from the bank's entry, and a couple of students from the Faith Chapel youth group donned Biblical themed robes.
Sixth row: The Herrington Family float used a theme from "Frozen," Linn County Fire Chief Randy Hegwald and his wife, Pleasanton city Administrator Becky Hegwald, rode commanded the county fire department's ladder truck, and the city of Pleasanton float used a "Whoville" themed float from the classic tale of the Grinch.