Mike Schneider, here with one of his young fans, will bring his Pint Size Polkas program to the Parker Library at 3 p.m. on Monday, July 10. (Screen capture/Pint Size Polkas website)
You might be thinking lederhosen and rolling out the barrel after you attend "Pint Size Polkas," a program being presented at the Parker Library on Monday, July 10, at 3 p.m.
Accordian player Mike Schneider travels around the country putting on more than 160 Pint Size Polkas shows annually. He's performed in 30 states since 2008 – including Wisconsin, Oklahoma and Georgia – in numerous public libraries, schools, fairs, and at special events.
Schneider said he educates through his music and various Pint Size Polkas program segments while providing an ample dose of family-friendly polka fun.
While Monday's performance is a part of the library's summer reading program, all ages are welcome to attend, said Kay Bowman, library director.
The program is partially funded by a grant from the Southeast Kansas Library System.