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  • Katelyn Barthol

Is the Marais des Cygnes Extension Master Gardening Program for You?

Updated: Jun 12

The Marais des Cygnes Extension Master Gardener program is seeking people who love gardening and are willing to share their knowledge with the community. (Wix file photo)

Submitted by Katelyn Barthol, Agricultural & Natural Resources Agent

Do you love gardening? Why not become an Extension Master Gardener?  The Extension Master Gardener Program provides individuals the opportunity to expand their knowledge about growing plants, diagnose plant diseases, identifying common gardening problems and much more.  

Do you enjoy giving back to the community?  The Extension Master Gardener Program gives you the opportunity to share your knowledge with people in Miami and Linn counties as well as volunteer in our community horticultural projects.  A few of the projects include the Miami County Courthouse, plant sale, and Marais des Cygnes District Extension Master Gardener Trial Garden.

Do you like meeting new people with a passion for gardening whether it be vegetable or flower? The Extension Master Gardener Program is a great group of ladies and gentlemen that are informative, friendly and thoughtful.  If you want to learn new things and enjoy sharing your knowledge, the Extension Master Gardener Program is for you.

Applications for Miami and Linn county residents is now available at: 

The application deadline is July 31.  Attendance is required for the Extension Master Gardener training course which will be held online via Zoom and once a month in-person, on Thursdays from 1 to 4 p.m., from Sept. 5 thru Dec. 5.  Register early as there is limited space. 

A $60 entrance fee is required which helps cover the cost of materials, trainer’s fees, and other expenses.  Extension Master Gardeners are required to volunteer 40 hours a year to stay active (member) as well as attend 10 hours of advanced trainings.

For further information, please call the Marais des Cygnes Extension District Paola office at 913-294-4306 or the Mound City office at 913-795-2829. Or visit one of the offices: Paola at 913 N. Pearl St. or Mound City at 115 S. 6th St.

Enjoy sharing your passion for gardening with others, and become a Marais des Cygnes District Extension Master Gardener!!

P.S. - Do you have any Horticulture questions?? The Marais des Cygnes Extension Master Gardener Hotline is up and running! Every Thursday from 8 a.m. to noon there will be a master gardener at the Paola Extension office waiting to help answer your question(s)! Stop by or call 913-294-4306. 

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