The Linn County Economic Development Department is offering housing improvement grants. Applications for the grants are due by March 1. (Wix file photo)
By Charlene Sims, info@linncountyjournal.com
MOUND CITY – Linn County Economic Director Chasity Ware told the Linn County Commissioners on Tuesday, Feb. 18, that the county still has $17,000 available through the housing improvement incentive program. Applications for the grant funds are due by March 1. The money will need to be paid out to the applicants before June 1.
The housing improvement incentive grant acts as a reimbursement to offset any accrued project expenses to help complete a project (either an already started project or one that needs completed).
The projects could include but are not limited to painting, repairing a deck, putting in a ramp, replacing a door, etc. The awarded funds will be reimbursements meaning awarded funds will not be provided until after the awarded project is completed and receipts are turned in with a final report. No match is required for this incentive.
Applicants may or may not be awarded the full amount requested. The amounts awarded will depend on the number of applicants. Applications must be made by the property owner on record with the Linn County Courthouse, applicants must be current on all local taxes, and both homeowners and rental property owners are welcome to apply.
For more information, contact Chasity Ware at cware@linncountyks.com or call 913-795 -2274. More information and the application can be found on the Linn County Kansas website, Economic Development page. There is a link for 2025 Housing Incentive Grant.
Ware reported that the county is working with Aaron Prichard who works with the Kansas Safe Streets and Roads for All program. The program, which is funded through the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) and the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT), is aimed at reducing transportation fatalities and injuries on Kansas roadways.
Ware told the commissioners that Sheriff James Akes and Public Works Director Shaun West are collecting information on what can make the roadways in Linn County safer, whether it be a guardrail or a poorly lit intersection. She encouraged the commissioners to share information that they have received from individuals in the county about dangerous roadways with Akes or West.
Ware also informed the commissioners that Carey Spoon, executive director of the Southeast Kansas Regional Planning Commission (SEKRPC) would like to come to a commission meeting and introduce herself and talk to the commissioners about the services that SEKRPC provides for the county.
Commissioner Alison Hamilton asked Ware how she was promoting the Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge (YEC) event. Ware said that she had a press release ready to go next week. The event is March 4 at the 4-H building starting at 9 a.m.