Country Notebook
By Rogene "Jeannie" McPherson
A good friend recently asked me if my fingers were broken. Puzzled by his comment, I innocently replied, “my fingers are not broken, but I did break my knee cap.”
My wittiness gauge was apparently not working well that day as it took me more than the usual time to figure out his humor. He was simply wondering why I had not written a column recently.
When the quibble was drawing to a close, I decided to take the question as a compliment. I rationalized that someone must find joy in the thoughts I share. Hopefully, more than one someone, but let’s face the facts. One compliment was more than I’d had previously in the day.
After he and his wife left the retirement party we had attended, I realized I had not thanked him for giving me some feedback, especially that of a positive nature. We have many emotions throughout the day, and to name just one, I was feeling gratitude. This submission is twofold, one, to thank my friend and two, to share with other readers the benefit of this nine letter word.
Every year I come up with a word for the year. I’m one month shy of doing so this year, but, better late than never, as the old saying goes. With fanfare, and as you might guess, the word is….gratitude.
Where do I start? I am grateful for and filled with gratitude for:
God, family, friends, animal companionship, my church and the spiritual gift of giving to those in need, excellent doctors and nurses, roof over my head, my car with more than 220,000 miles of real mileage on the odometer and running well, eyesight needed for driving and reading and writing and seeing my grandchildren, my continued ability to work the woods and garden, freedom to express my opinions, a democracy, good educational programs including those for old women, prairie grass, fresh meat and vegetables from a little store east of Parker as well as our nearby grocery stores in Linn County.
The list is anything but complete. Right now the only thing I have to complain about is this so called brace for my knee. No one yet has come up with a way to keep the brace from falling down on my ankle, doing absolutely no good as to helping with the healing process.
On a recent visit to my orthopedic surgeon, I said, “If I break my ankle, I’ll already have a brace since this one is wrapped around my ankle most of the time.”
I didn’t think he would ever stop laughing. In the midst of this problem, I feel gratitude for giving my surgeon something to laugh about.
After trying every item I could think of like paper clips, more Velcro, heavy socks, tall boots, string, and some procedures I prefer not to describe, I Googled, “What would keep an ankle brace from falling down?” Believe it not, I just received an expandable, wide, flexible band to be placed under the Velcro of the brace. Though it is a partial solution, I will order one more for the calf of my leg and one other product. I have gratitude for inventions that are affordable and the knowledge that others must have the same problem with the brace.
The above list is really very short. I’m also grateful for chocolate, hot tea, ice cream, kisses and hugs, compliments, snoring dogs, snuggly blankets, a braying donkey, television, and yes, the Chiefs.
I can’t forget sending valentines, receiving valentines, giving heart-shaped candy, receiving candy of any shape especially if chocolate. And, seriously I am grateful for everyone who takes the time to read my column. God bless you, and don’t forget to express gratitude.
Rogene “Jeannie” McPherson, from the Centerville area, is a regular contributor to the Linn County Journal. We at the Journal are also grateful to Jeannie for sharing her writing. Her latest book Posts from the Country, Adventures in Rural Living is available online at Amazon.com, Thriftbooks.com, and Barnesandnoble.com.