MOUND CITY – The Linn County Commissioners heard reports from the emergency services, fire and ambulance in Linn County on Monday, Sept. 9.
Linn County Fire Chief Randy Hegwald reported that there were 10 fire calls during the past week. These calls consisted of three fire calls, five rescue and emergency medical service calls and two good intent calls.
Hegwald told the commissioners that the emergency management department would be holding a mock tornado scenario at the fairgrounds on October 22.
American Medical Response (AMR) Dawn Brooks gave the month to date ambulance reports from Sept. 1 through Sept. 8. There have been a total of 37 calls resulting in 20 transports. The average response time is 18 minutes 9 seconds. The calls by city were:
• Blue Mound, 2 calls, 1 transport
• Centerville, 4 calls, 2 transports
• La Cygne, 6 calls, 3 transports
• Linn Valley, 3 calls, 1 transport
• Mound City, 5 calls, 5 transports
• Parker, 2 calls, 1 transport
• Pleasanton, 9 calls, 5 transports
• Prescott, 6 call, 2 transports
Response numbers and times for this time period by Commission Districts are:
District 1 - 9 responses, 5 transports, 15 minutes 6 seconds, average response time
District 2 - 19 responses, 8 transports, 16 minutes 44 seconds, average response time
District 3 - 11 responses, 7 transports, 22 minutes 40 seconds, average response time