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Writer's pictureCharlene Sims, Journal staff

Commission discusses how to promote notification system

Updated: Oct 24, 2024

By Charlene Sims,

MOUND CITY – After hearing department reports on Monday, Oct. 7, the Linn County Commissioners spent nearly two hours in executive session to conduct interviews for the economic development director and the operations director of road and bridge positions.

Part of the time was also spent for a short recess, an executive session for non-elected personnel with public works director Shaun West and a short executive session with Mound City Council consultant Josh Baldwin for trade secrets, likely about a possible lease for the former Linn County jail building.

Commissioners also discussed whether to continue with plan to place flyers at county offices and other locations to urge people sign up for the new notification system or to also place an advertisement in the digital newspaper. Consensus seemed to be to try just using the flyers and see how that worked before putting an ad in the paper. 

In other business, the commissioners:

• Moved the commission meeting on Oct. 14 to Oct. 15 due to the Columbus Day holiday.

• Appointed Commissioner Jim Johnson as delegate to the Kansas Association of Counties (KAC ) annual meeting and Commissioner Jason Hightower as alternate delegate. Discussion was held about whether  McCullough should attend the meeting since he will no longer be in office in January after the new commissioner is sworn in.

• Learned that all the 911 signs for equine trails at Linn County Park were in.

• Received updates on road projects and equipment repairs from Public Works Administrator Shaun West.

• Approved a resolution to put up bus stop signs on County Road 1077 north of 1700 Road on a blind curve. West will work with the landowner there about clearing some trees to allow better visibility.

• On a 2-0 vote approved a burial permit for fiber optic cable to cross the road to a residence at 21368 Earnest Road north of Parker. Commissioner Jason Hightower abstained due to being on the People’s Telecommunications board.

• Learned from West that Hamm Quarry was notifying the county that there would be an upcoming price adjustment of 10% on Jan. 1, 2025. 

McCullough said that he thought that it was crazy that they did not negotiate with the quarry about the price. Hightower and Commissioner Jim Johnson agreed but were not sure what the county could use as leverage.

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