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  • Obituary

Cheryl Townsend

Updated: 2 days ago

Cheryl Townsend, 70, of Parker, Kansas, passed away peacefully May 4th, 2024.

She is preceded in death by her father, James W. Townsend. She is survived by her mother, Winona Townsend of Lenexa, Kansas; former husband Dennis Studna; Son James Studna (Kaylee); first grandson Trevor of Spring Hill, Kansas; Sister Linda Flanakin (Dale) of St. Louis, Missouri; and many nephews and nieces.

Cheryl was born October 15th, 1953, in Coffeyville, Kansas. Cheryl graduated from the University of Kansas with a degree in secondary education. A celebration of life will be held July 13, 2024, at Cross Point Church in Paola Kansas at 10 a.m.

(Published in the Linn County Journal on June 30, 2024.)

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