Matters of Faith
By Dr. Bascom Ratliff, pastor
Parker/Beagle/Fontana United Methodist Church
Scripture lessons:
John 3:16 (Believing in Jesus)
Ephesians 2:10 (We are created for service/good works)
Luke 17: 11-19 (Thankfulness and gratitude)
I believe that 2025 will be a challenging year for many Christians. I think our values will be challenged. I think our belief in a loving God will be challenged. And, I think we will be asked to continue and expand our service to others. But in doing so, I believe that God will reward us and strengthen our faith. And let’s not forget – I believe that God wishes us to be thankful and grateful for the many gifts that we will receive from him in 2025. Sometimes being grateful is difficult, especially when we are asked to love our enemies and care for others.
I think that a good place to begin is to imagine a God who loves us so much that he sent his son as a sacrifice for our sins and shortcomings. I must admit it is difficult for me to imagine the absolute power and majesty of God. It’s hard for me to imagine or grasp the tremendous love of Jesus Christ. When I read the Bible and commentaries about Jesus, it’s easier for me to see him as my teacher, my mentor, my shepherd, and my leader. It’s more difficult to imagine Jesus as a sacrificial lamb who willingly died on the cross so we can appear to our Creator God as a forgiven and transformed person.
During this next year I encourage you to re-imagine God as someone with unlimited power and unfailing love. The God who created our vast universe also created us. We are his children, his masterful works of life, who stand to inherit the wonders of heaven through Jesus Christ. If we believe in this wonderful creator God, what is preventing us from devoting our lives and our resources to furthering his kingdom. The message for me is to give generously, love abundantly, and believe in daily miracles. Strengthening my faith in 2025 is my top priority and I encourage you to consider it yours as well.
As my faith strengthens, so should my service to others. As our scripture passage in Ephesians says, we are created for good works. God is very simply telling us that if we love him, we will love and care for others. Although I believe that our faith is the primary requirement for following Christ, I also believe that the without works or service, our faith is empty. As Corinthians I chapter 13 tells us, without love our life in Christ is empty. Building our faith with service to others is an affirmation of our relationship with God and our commitment to follow the example of Jesus by caring for others.
Our third challenge for 2025 is developing and sustaining an attitude of thankfulness and gratitude. Appreciating the many gifts we get from God and sharing those gifts with others, is a true testimony of our belief in our service to Jesus. Being thankful helps us to remember the power of God in our lives and God’s desire that we love and care for others. Being grateful also helps us to stay focused on the wonders of God’s work in our lives and the tremendous power that we have in Christ Jesus to do good. It also helps us to get outside of our own selfishness and neediness.
Finally, I believe that if we continue this year with these affirmations or resolutions, God will continue to bless us in wonderful ways. God has promised us the gift of the Holy Spirit. He has promised us eternal life. He has given us the great gifts of love, faith, hope. He has given us Jesus as our teacher and mentor. These are wonderful gifts and certainly more precious than gold or silver. These are gifts that will pay us benefits for the rest of our lives (and beyond). So, I encourage you to celebrate the benefits of healthy and loving relationships. Celebrate the benefits of confidence and courage in serving God. And, enthusiastically celebrate the benefits of knowing that God is with us. I am challenging all of us to wholeheartedly and courageously serve our living God during this coming year.
Do you find yourself longing for genuine love and companionship? If you’re ready to seek God’s love, I invite you to come and worship with us. We are fueled by God’s wonderful promise of unfailing love. Please accept our invitation to a morning of worship, wonderful music, and great fellowship. And, of course, hot drinks and cookies.
We will worship at the Beagle United Methodist Church during January 2025.
We will worship at the Parker UMC during February 2025.
We will worship at the Beagle UMC during March 2025.
All Sunday services are at 10 a.m.
We serve communion on the first Sunday of the month.
All are welcome in God’s House.
Dr. Bascom Ratliff (913-710-5748)
Pastor: Parker/Beagle/Fontana
United Methodist Churches