Matters of Faith
By Bascom Ratliff
Pastor, Parker/Beagle/Fontana United Methodist Churches
Scripture: Mark 13: 5-8, “Then Jesus began to say to them, “beware that no one leads you astray”. Many will come in my name and say, “I am he!” And they will lead many astray. When you hear of wars and rumors of wars do not be alarmed; this must take place, but the end is still to come. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.”
As I write this, I am breathing a sigh of relief that the political campaigning and elections are now over. Some of the people I voted for won. Others lost. Unfortunately, I believe the real losers are people of faith whether they be Christian, Muslim, or Jew. It pains me to think that a number of well-meaning Christians sold their souls and loyalty to the best liar. I absolutely refuse to believe that God is remotely political. God is God. God does not like to share. God does not want us worshiping idols-whether men or materials. God wants us to be 100% faithful and fully committed to loving and caring for Him and others. I’ve been alarmed and frustrated to hear Christian leaders, with a great many followers, loudly and adamantly support harmful political issues. Don’t get me wrong-I certainly believe that we are free to express our political loyalties. However, I also believe that God is disappointed and angry when we as Christians are divided and hostile toward one another because of political differences.
Far too often, Christian leaders use the Bible and their faith in a spiritual and doctrinal war against each other. The Bible is too often used to marginalize women, support racism, and exclude wounded souls and social lepers from our worship. Consider for example:
We are told that migrants entering via our southern border are criminals and drug dealers. The reality is that the great majority are self professed, baptized Christians.
Many churches exclude women from leadership/clergy positions because of the Biblical passage in I Timothy 2:12. Yet women, throughout history, have proven themselves as faithful and committed leaders.
The United Methodist Church recently experienced a significant division because of theological differences over sexual identity issues among church leadership.
I fear that the Christian church mirrors the greater society in the perception of what is good and bad or right and wrong. We are a sharply divided church. We are a sharply divided country. And because we are so divided, I believe that we will continue to struggle and fail in our mission to make disciples of all people, sharing with them the good news of Jesus Christ.
The challenge for us is simplify the message of the gospel. Jesus tells us to simply love one another. To give to others in need. To be generous in sharing our bounty. I’m not suggesting that we indiscriminately open our boundaries or permit false teachers to instruct us. However, I am suggesting that we follow the example of Christ in treating everyone with fairness and respect.
We can do a much better job serving God’s will. I’m optimistic and enthusiastic when I see the efforts of many Christian churches in providing food, clothing, and shelter to those in need. I’m optimistic when I see the tremendous outreach and love provided to migrants by our Christian churches. And I believe that there are many who are faithfully doing God’s will every day. My prayer is that we continue to keep our focus on the good news of Jesus Christ. All Christians are my brothers and sisters. All who are in need of my help, who are suffering, or who are struggling to find their way, are entitled to my help.
God commands us, absolutely commands us, to help others. God does not exclude or minimize anyone who calls upon him for help. God is God. If we are truly servants of the living Christ, we are called to love and care for others, regardless of their economic or social status. Love God. Preach the good news of Jesus Christ.
Do you find yourself longing for genuine love and companionship? If you’re ready to seek God’s love, I invite you to come and worship with us. We are fueled by God’s wonderful promise of unfailing love. Please accept our invitation to a morning of wonderful music and great fellowship. And, of course, hot drinks and cookies.
We will worship at the Beagle UMC during November and December 2024.
All Sunday services are at 10 a.m.
We serve communion on the first Sunday of the month.
All are welcome in God’s House.
Dr. Bascom Ratliff (913-710-5748)
Pastor, Parker/Beagle/Fontana
United Methodist Churches