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Matters of Faith
By Dr. Bascom Ratliff
Pastor, Parker/Beagle/Fontana United Methodist Churches
Scripture: Matthew 7: 21-23 – Not everyone who says to me, Lord Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven; but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.
Recently, I was puzzled (and a little upset) when an important church meeting was rescheduled because it was going to conflict with a Chief’s football game. The reasoning behind the change was a concern that people would choose to watch the football game rather than attend the meeting. Unfortunately, this is a real possibility. Our devotion to God and church sometimes become less of a priority than other things.
Now don’t get me wrong. I too am a Chiefs fan. I have a Chiefs jersey and coffee mug. I watch the games and cheer them on from the comfort of my living room. And I too struggle with choosing between a church meeting and a game.
God often receives a paltry portion of our time and energy. One hour a week of Sunday morning worship seems far too insufficient. Adding a Bible study helps, but God still wants more of our time. And more of our service. And more of our commitment and dedication. God wants the best of us.
I also fundamentally believe that God loves us without fail. God’s mercy, forgiveness, and grace are freely given because of Jesus Christ, who taught us God’s word, died for our sins, and rose from the grave to guarantee us a resurrected life in heaven. These are incredible and bountiful gifts that can only be gotten from a loving God.
An inconvenient biblical truth is that not everyone who goes to church, calls upon God, or attends church goes to heaven. God’s grace and mercy may be freely given, but they are not cheap. God fully expects us to act and do. In Matthew 25 Jesus makes it very clear that we are to serve others by giving them food, drink, clothing, and visits. We are to do God’s will and bidding. Service is paramount.
However, the good news continues to be that God loves us without fail. God is merciful. God is forgiving. God wants us to spend time with him and with others.
I count myself fortunate and blessed to be surrounded by a great crowd of believers who serve the living God, who worship a loving God, and who follow the risen Christ. My challenge to you, my readers, is that you become more deliberate and purposeful in your service and devotion to God. God demands that we give him priority over all things. God demands that our faith and service reflect our committed relationship with him. And, I believe, God demands praise and thanks for those incredible gifts that only he can provide.
Do you find yourself longing for genuine love and companionship that comes only from God? If you’re ready to seek God’s love, I invite you to come and worship with us. We are fueled by God’s wonderful promise of unfailing love. Please accept our invitation to a morning of wonderful music and great fellowship. And, of course, hot coffee and cookies.
We will worship at the Beagle United Methodist Church during August 2024.
We will worship at the Fontana UMC during September 2024.
We will worship at the Parker UMC during October 2024.
All Sunday services are at 10 a.m.
We serve communion on the first Sunday of the month.
All are welcome in God’s House.
Dr. Bascom Ratliff (913-710-5748)
Pastor, Parker/Beagle/Fontana
United Methodist Churches