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Order of Worship

October 13, 2024




Prelude: Jesú, Joy of Man’s Desiring

Land Acknowledgment & Welcome

Call to Worship: 

Leader: Creator, 

we give you thanks for all you are

and all you bring to us

for our visit within your creation.

Many: In Jesus, you place the gospel

in the center of this sacred circle

through which all creation is related.

Leader: Your show us the way to live

a generous and compassionate life.

Many: Give us your strength to live together

with respect and commitment

as we grow in your Spirit,

All: For you are God, now and forever. Amen.


Gathering Hymn:


VT 495        Morning has Broken

VT 495 Morning has Broken.jpeg


Sharing Joys and Concerns

Congregational Prayer

Lord’s Prayer

Scripture: 2 Samuel, Luke




Silent Reflection



Sending Hymn: VT 828  There’s a Wild Hope in the Wind

Benediction: VT 908

VT 828 There's a Wild Hope in the Wind.jpeg
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