Charlene Sims, Journal staff
Parker police department issue not on council's March agenda
Not one to shy away from local political issues, Dan Gaikowski, owner of Recycling Services scrap metal yard in Parker, recently posted...

Charlene Sims, Journal staff
Tanglewood residents seek answers from commission on public road issue
Following the dismissal of felony charges against 15 Tanglewood residents who removed electronic entry and exit gates, other Tanglewood...

Charlene Sims, Journal staff
Push for change in courthouse phone system gets pushback
By Charlene Sims, info@linncountyjournal.com MOUND CITY – The Linn County Commission spent 20 minutes on Monday, March 17, discussing...

Charlene Sims, Journal staff
Dry vegetation, strong winds keep area firefighters
Linn County firefighters have battled blazes in one of the most intense two weeks so far this year. (Journal file photo) By Charlene Sims,...

Charlene Sims, Journal staff
Court dimisses felony charges against Tanglewood defendants
Vehicles move through card-controlled gates located at the northeast entry to the Tanglewood Lakes development. (Journal file photo)...

Roger Sims, Journal Staff
Builder asks Mound City officials to partner in housing project
By Roger Sims, rsims@linncountyjournal.com MOUND CITY – An Overland Park home builder and real estate developer has asked the Mound City...